We use our side front door more than our front front door. Does that make sense? And today I’m talking about that first room you enter, when using our side front door. I featured the fireplace located in that room in this post.
We have done a LOT to this room. It used to have burgundy trim everywhere and coordinating carpet. The fireplace was disgusting and the walls were a weird off-white color.
After one-too-many accidents potty-training our dog, I ripped up all the carpet on a whim. Over top we installed some laminate wood flooring. I love the color.

The chalkboard shown here is real slate that was taken from the old Muskegon Heights High School that got torn down. My dad-in-law works there and brought home a few pieces. My kids love it (as you can see).

The change in flooring made all the difference. You can see some of the old carpeting in the picture from this post where I also talked about the lockers in this room in more detail. I painted the walls a teal color (sorry, don’t remember the name) that I fell in love with. All the trim got primed and painted white.
Here is the result-

(please try to ignore the dusty floors and cluttered shelves)
This is a catch-all room. It’s where all our coats and shoes go, but also where we do school. That table is an old dining room table. I cut the legs down, put wheels on it, and painted it. It’s perfect for the boys to sit at and do school.
The shelves were a garage sale find. I really, really wish I had a before photo to show you. They were plain shelves you put in your garage. They were dark brown and dusty, dirty. I cleaned them up and painted them white. We found some studs in the wall and screwed them in place. Then I cut some white shelving boards to fit in between the two and screwed them in place. I bought trim and nailed it along the top to make it unified.

The brown shelf next to the lockers was a $5 garage sale find. I intend to paint it white someday. The ironstone pitcher and bowl on top of it was an estate sale find. I collect ironstone pitchers.
The bench was a find from the loft in my dad’s barn. I will feature that place on here when the weather gets nicer. It’s a treasure trove. I gave the bench a slight white-wash and called it good.

As for our future living plans- We aren’t quite sure what will happen. The house I showed a picture of here is currently owned by a builder. He divided up the acres around this house and is selling the lots hoping to be the builder of the new homes. This house has much more space inside and outside than what we currently have. He knows we want it and our realtor tell us it will be ours.
The problem- The builder is renting out this house to a family that he is currently building a home for. This will take six to eight months from now. So, that means after we vacate our house in April, we wouldn’t be able to move into the new house for another six months.
We would be homeless.
Except for the fact that my in-laws live here in town and are very generous. They don’t have much room, but we can make it work for a short time.
So, that is the story. Next week I will talk more about this house we love and maybe share a picture or two of the inside. You will be shocked!
Have a great weekend! I know I will. We’re leaving for my dad’s tonight to spend a weekend with my family. YAY!!