Friday, March 15, 2013

Health Kick

I'm putting it out here so I am more accountable, not any other reason.

I've come a long way in the past year. A long way in the wrong direction.

I pretty much haven't exercised since moving out of our old house. I did get on a small health kick when I read the book Eat to Live around Thanksgiving time of last year. I lost 10 pounds and felt great. What happened? We started major renovations on our new house and I started eating what was easiest and fastest.

I could feel the difference it made in how I felt. And it has only gotten worse since then.

Mornings are the worst. I feel like I can barely function. I started drinking coffee because I have a hard time staying awake. This has helped some but not much. I pretty much feel terrible all day. I got a cold over a month ago but I can feel some of the symptoms even still today. My energy levels are so very low and it has even affected my moods. I would say I have been mildly depressed for a couple of months.

Time for a change? Oh yeah. But that is the hardest part for me. Actually starting.

I watched the documentary Forks Over Knives today. It has similar concepts to the book Eat to Live that I read. If you haven't watched it yet- you should. It's been a great motivator.

You can watch it for free on Netflix if you have an account.

I am also going to start running. I joined a running group through a friend. We are doing a couch to 5k program and helping each other along the way.
My new reading choice is going to help motivate me also. It was recommended by my sis-in-law a while back and am finally getting around to reading it.
It is time to make a change. My body is rebelling against the way I have been treating it.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to read this book for a while! It has been in my shopping cart on Amazon for a few months, haha.
