Friday, January 18, 2013

Celebration and Confession

So, my one year anniversary came and went without me even realizing it. I started this blog January 16, 2012. I went a full year without missing any weekday posts. I came close a few times. But I made it. And I have no plans of stopping it now. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. There were some days when I had a creative block and couldn't think of what to writet about. And then other times when my head was exploding with ideas. I've loved using this as another creative outlet. It has pushed me to get off my butt and do more and experience more, take more pictures, and to document our life happenings.

I'm grateful to all of you that stop by every day or even once in awhile to see what is going on.

Now to my confession. I am sharing this information for all of those that wonder 'How does she do it all?'

Well, to be honest I don't. When we took possession of our house we were crazy busy on the house. And pretty much have been ever since. Something has to give. That thing was homeschooling. So, yes. My six year old homeschooler hasn't had 'school' since the beginning of December. We intend to start back up as soon as we are settled in our new house. Yet another reason to rush as much as we can to get in there.

Longest. Christmas Break. Ever.

There you have it. He tells me he isn't going to public schools until he is ten years old. So we have some time to catch him up before then.

And because I can't post without some pictures- here are some I snapped with my phone a few days ago. The door to our shed was open and because I want to use all that lovely grey wood in there some day soon, I went out to shut it. I didn't want snow getting in there.

Have a great weekend!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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